Frequently women are discriminated in the aviation world, because unfortunately this world is mostly for men.
We live in a country psychologically structured in deeply rooted ideas, Spain, but it also applies to most countries. In Muslim countries, it is even worse, they are still at the stone age. But for a supposedly developed
country, in terms of the equality of women in the workplace, there is much to be improved here.
Society makes us believe that feminine tastes differ greatly from masculine tastes. Since childhood we are taught that pink is for girls and blue is for boys, ads on television show us dolls for girls and cars or
construction games for boys.
Since these ideas are instilled to us since we are young, in the end, we are raised with the conviction that we women will not like jobs like car mechanics, or in this case, airplane mechanics.
I may not be able to do much, but I am sure that I can be an example for many women. Furthermore I hope that in the near future, there will be more women in this sector.
There have been cases of sexual harassment.
I know a few women in this sector, but the ones I know have suffered a lot from their co-workers. And not only sexual harassment, but also psychological.
Once, I went to a meal with aeromechanical workers and when we ate, we all had drinks, one said the following: Who would "fuck" Esther? With those huge boobs she has .... This comment for him, and for many
male classmates, was funny. Obviously it was not for me or my female friend or the few girls there. And this is one of the many cases of discrimination towards women in jobs.
Myself, I have to hear from my colleagues how good the women who work in our place of study are. It is not me directly, they all respect me, but having to listen to those comments makes me realize that the next
generation will not improve. Sometimes I think that humanity has no solution, we are savages that live in a society that has advanced too fast for our archaic brain.
Also, in some situations there has been some cases of work targeting, like cleaning tasks.
My mechanical friends of airplanes, tell me that they assign women to less heavy jobs like cleaning tasks.
Tomorrow, when I will work in this sector, if it happens, I will make sure that this issue is addressed by all possible means. For instance, I will visit labor inspection and expose the case, women's defense, etc.
The problem is that we do nothing, we complain while sitting on our couch. But it is not my case. I speak out and make my complaints heard where necessary, write to newspapers, go to Facebook, Twitter etc. Luckily
there are many tools to make noise. It is only that people do not know how to make good use of new technologies, we are in front of our mobile screen to look at mms and nonsense that are not worth anything
instead of using these technologies to make a better world.
When it comes to uniformity, we can talk about another situation of inequality.
I was a civil engineer, I worked for the council of Mallorca urban planning and roads.
I always worked on the road and we had to wear reflective clothing.
It turns out that in this sector, men have always worked, so the clothes were men's only and also huge. I looked like a clown with those clothes, so I refused to use them.
I went to talk to the counselor of Mallorca, and also wrote to the uniform store to complain about the lack of uniforms for women. This clearly represented a lack of equality and an obvious discrimination.
This helped the company to request female uniformity, and this year, I found that the same uniform store had uniforms for women.
Men prefer to have male partners, excluding women.
The solution to this is nothing more than education since childhood.
I realize with my colleagues, that they are more comfortable with each other. Of course, they are all kind to me, they all treat me very well, as I have already commented before, but when they are among them (men
only) it is different, they speak normally. With me they speak too politely. I suppose that it is also due to the difference of age, but above all it is because of sex.
In my college, almost all were men and, in the end, men went with men and the few women with women.
Luckily, I am a person who does not need anyone, but when it comes to commenting on the designations, I always have a few points less than my colleagues. When it comes to establishing a certain friendship,
however, among them, it is already established.
And just for being a woman.


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