ANTI FATIGUE NECKLACE PROBLEM We must solve the problem of students falling asleep in class. INVESTIGATION I've conducted research on the different types of necklaces. I talked to my sister, she had a dog that wouldn't stop barking and wouldn't let him sleep, the neighbors complained, so she bought a collar so that every time the dog barked, the collar would give off an electric shock, so the dog stopped barking. She only put the collar on at night. This gave me an idea. On the one hand, recently, before the quarantine started, my car broke down and I went to several dealers to find out the prices of the cars, which were too expensive... I couldn't buy any of them, so I finally thought about fixing mine. I tell this story because at one of the dealers I was told that the car had an anti-fatigue detector as standard, so that when the car noticed that the driver was falling asleep, the system would sound an unpleasant whistle that would wa...