First of all I think it's not going to be just two weeks, this is going to go on for months, but as two weeks are requested in my case, in Globalia.

I would first order the classrooms for a different target:

Dormitory area: Classrooms divided between those who snore and those who don't
Sport Zone: Classrooms with computer and projector for an hour of exercise each day, there will be classrooms for aerobic exercise, strength training and meditation and relaxation exercises.
Entertainment Zone: Classroom where movies and series will be shown, a request form will be made so that all users can participate in the choice of movies and series so that we can all enjoy.
Restaurant Zone: There will be an equitable distribution and reasoning of food and drink for two weeks, also to avoid water shortages, will be installed on the roof drums to collect water from possible rains.
Flight Simulator Zone: This space can only be used by people who are really passionate about the aeronautical sector, giving priority to the student María Pérez Muñoz
Punishment zone: The smallest classroom will be for people who do not comply with any of the established rules
Study Zone: a classroom is set up where you can study, read or do any other training activity
Infected zone: The people who present the least symptom will be taken to a classroom where it is forbidden to leave except to go to the bathroom, they will be provided with food, water.
Psychology Zone: A classroom will be set aside to be able to talk about how the situation affects us, do meditation and videos with psychological content will be shown.

We will try to provide epis with risk factors, masks, protective clothing and gloves.

The instructors will be available to answer any questions we may have regarding the study conducted.

The practices will continue to be made in order not to lose the hours, but the theory will be taken for granted.

Every day the area will be cleaned to avoid the proliferation of bacteria (toilets, floors, windows, classrooms, etc.). This activity will be carried out mainly by the male groups so that they learn at once that they are also responsible for the cleaning.


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