1º Find the contrary of these charasteristic FRAGILE - STRONG LIGHT - DARK RIGID - FLEXIBLE CLEAN - DIRTY ROUGH - SOFT HOLLOW - FULL INERT - ALIVE STRAIGHT - DISTORTED SHINY - MAT POINTED - ROUNDED 2º Find an item on an aircraft made of each os these materials COPPER In aircraft , copper is used primarily in the electrical system for bus bars, bonding, and as lockwire STAINLESS STEEL Common uses in the aircraft industry include jet engines, exhaust ducts, flanges, piston engine exhaust manifolds, afterburners, flash boilers, and more HONEYCOMB Honeycomb sandwich structures are widely used on aircraft flight control surfaces such as rudder, aileron, spoiler, and flap. FABRIC Currently, only a few approved fabrics are used for aircraft coverings, such as the polyester fabrics Ceconite™, Stits/Polyfiber™...