1º Find the contrary of these charasteristic











2º Find an item on an aircraft made of each os these materials

COPPER In aircraftcopper is used primarily in the electrical system for bus bars, bonding, and as lockwire

STAINLESS STEEL Common uses in the aircraft industry include jet engines, exhaust ducts, flanges, piston engine exhaust manifolds, afterburners, flash boilers, and more

HONEYCOMB Honeycomb sandwich structures are widely used on aircraft flight control surfaces such as rudder, aileron, spoiler, and flap. 

FABRIC Currently, only a few approved fabrics are used for aircraft coverings, such as the polyester fabrics Ceconite™, Stits/Polyfiber™, and Superflite™

GLASS used in aircraft to build windshield and window panes, canopies, panels for cabin interiors, mirrors for lavatories, interior and exterior light-emitting diode (LED) lighting solutions, protections for sensors and instrumentation, ultrasonic transducers, and colored filters for enhanced flight vision systems.

ALUMINIUM ALLOY used in wing skins and fuselage, especially in military aircraft

PLASTIC  plastic is used on the exterior of aircraft for things such as fuel tank covers, landing gear hubcaps, pylon fairings and radomes

RUBBER Silicone gaskets and seals keep pressurized air inside the cabin of a plane. As a synthetic rubber

FOIL I haven't found anything, just airplane models

COMPOSITE used for both structural applications and components, in all aircraft

3. Identify these descriptions. They are all different parts of the aircraft 

1. Conical with rounded end. Often black. Hollow. Mounted on the end of the aircraft

2. Made from laminated glass. Incorporates electrical resistance

3. Often L-Shaped. Hollow tube with tapered end and small opening. Mounted on forward fuselage

4. Flexible, made of rubber or plastic.  Cylindrical.3-4 cm. in diameter

5. Solild, Cylindrical steel body with hexagonal head, between 10 and 20 cm long

4. Describing dimensions

NOUN                          ADJETIVE                       VERB

Measurement                    Measure                         Measure           
Height                                 High                             Heighten                
Length                                Long                             Lengthen
Width                                 Wide                              Widen
Thickness                           Thick                             Thicken
Depth                                  Deep                             Deepen
Weight                                Heavy                            Weigh
Capacity                               Able                               Hold

5. All this adjetives of dimension are with an incorrect contrary, e.g. WIDE is not the contrary of LONG. It is SHORT. 


LONG                                  WIDE                                            SHORT
THICK                                 DEEP                                             THIN
WIDE                                 HEAVY                                           NARROW
SHORT                              SHALLOW                                      LONG
THIN                                   LIGHT                                           THICK
LOW                                  NARROW                                       LONG
HEAVY                              SHORT                                           LIGHT
LIGHT                                 HIGH                                             HEAVY
DEEP                                   THICK                                          SHALLOW
SHALLOW                         THIN                                              DEEP
NARROW                           LOW                                              WIDE

6. What do these different values and units refer to? 

1. 3.000 psi - Pressure
2. 129.75 Mhz - Frequency
3. 115 V 400Mhz - Volt - Frequency
4. 31.000 feet - Length
5. 800º - Temperature
6. 195 kt - Velocity
7. 48 bar - Pressure
8. 22ºC - Temperature
9. 98% N1 - Engine Revolutions
10. 1013 mb - Information Unit
11. 6.000 rpm - Angular velocity
12. Feb 20/92 - Date
13. 29 VU - 
14. 240 liters/min - Quantity
15. STA 1590 - 
16. p. 31-12-00 - Date
17. 0.5 mm - Measure
18. ATA 36 - Chapter Maintenance Manual
19. MSN 194 - 
20. 93 NM - Length
21. CFM 56 - Model Engine
22. 75 daN - Graduation system
23. 26 WE
24. Fig. 002 - Ilustration
25. 0.06 in dia 

7. Identify the systems which agree with the purposes below and writte the corresponding letter in the space.

1. The purpose of the ? is to control the aleirons (Check Valve)
2. The ? is used to adjust the lights (Din Knob)
3. The ? is designed for transmitting signal (Antenna)
4. The ? is made to seal unions and ensure tightness (O-Ring)
5. The ? provide electrical power on the ground (GPU)
6. The ? acts as a means of connecting the tanks to the atmosphere (Surge Vent Tank)
7. The ? serve to supply electrical power in a emergency (Batteries)
8. The ? enable engine control (Throttle levelrs)
9. The ? is designed to trap (catch, collect) particles (Filter)
10. The purspose of the ? is to coordinate turns and reduce lift on the wing (Spoiler)
11. The ? is used to rotate the generator at the same speed (Constant Speed Drive)
12. The ? server to draw (suck, recover) oil or fuel (Scavenge Pump)
13. The ? provides a flow in one direction (Compressor Casing)
14. The ? enables temperatures monitoring (Temperature Sensor)
15. The purpose of the ? is to control the aircraft on the yaw axis (Rudder Pedals)

8. Complete these sentences with these words:

1. The accelerometer is made FOR monitoring engine vibrations
2. The accelerometer is designed TO monitor engine vibrations
3. The accelerometer is USED to monitor engine vibratios
4. The PURPOSE of the accelerometer is to monitor engine vibrations
5. The accelerometer ACT as an engine vibration monitoring device
6. The acccelerometer PROVIDE engine vibration monitoring
7. The accelerometer ENABLES engine vibration to be monitoring
8. Engine vibrations ARE monitored by the accelerometer 

9. Put together (match) the system and components below with the descriptions of their purpose or fuction.

1. They are used to cool the brakes (AIRBRAKES)
2. Its purpose is to distribute electrical power (BUSBAR)
3. They enable the a/c to be raised off the ground for maintenance (JACKS)
4. They increase drag but do not reduce lift (SERVOCONTROLS)
5. The passenger presses it to attract the cabin crew's attention (PASSENGER CALL BUTTON)
6. It provides detection of door closure, shock absorber compression, etc. (VSI)
7. They move the control surfaces (HORIZONTAL STABILIZER)
8. It is used to evacuate the passenger in an emergency (ESCAPE SLIDE)
9. It supports your arm on a seat (ARMREST)
10. It is made to messure dynamic air pressure (PITOT TUBE)
11. They are designed to protect electrical circuits (CIRCUIT BREAKERS)
12. They are used to increase and decrease engine thrust (THROTTLE LEVERS)
13. It provides pitch trim (HORIZONTAL STABILIZER)
14. It provides rate of climb/descent information (PROXIMITY DETECTOR)
15. It enable a hydraulic system to be pressurized when the engine are shut down (ELECTRICAL PUMP)
16. It is made to discharge a fire estinguising bottle (CARTRIDGE/SQUIB)
17. The are designed to give a visual indication of a failure (WARNING LIGHT)
18. The act as a support for the cabin seat (SEAT RAILS)
19. They are used to stow carry-on baggage (OVERHEAD BAGGAGE RACKS)
20. Its purpose is to connect the fuel tank in the two wings (CROSSFEED VALVE)

10.Find the "odd man out" i.e. the conjuction which does not have the same general function or sense as the other.


11. Choose the conjuction that is most appropiate. Delete the other.

1. The standby frequency is effective IF/SO THAT/AND the transfer key is pressed
2. ADF sense antenna 1 is on the left lower fuselage THUS/SINCE/WHEREAS Nº2 is on the right
3. The HUD enables landing BECAUSE/PROVIDES/ALTHOUGH visivility is poor
4. The needle is in the green range AS A RESULT/UNLESS/THUS the nitrogen pressure is low
5. The glide scale is displayed on the AD IN ORDER TO/SO/MOREOVER it is repeated on the HSI
6. The shut-off valve is electrically controlled IF/BUT/BECAUSE pneumatically operated
7. Each seat back is hidraulically reclinable FURTHERMORE/SO/AS you can manually fold the back forward
8. The absence of the washer does not affect installation. IN ADDITION/HOWEVER/SO is should be mounted at the next removal
9. Cables are worn DUE TO/DESPITE/BECAUSE an absence of protection
10. The timer generates a reset signal IN ORDER TO/THEREFORE/IF The flag remains inactive for mre than 350ms
11. The landing year "ground/flight"microswitches close SO THAT/DESPITE/AS SOON AS the shock absorber is compressed
12. Seat belts are fastened PROVIDED THAT/UNTIL/UNLESS the aircraft reaches its gate
13. The probes are covered BECAUSE OF/IN ORDER TO/BECAUSE prevent contamination
14. The rain repellent system is not used UNLESS/AS SOON AS/DESPITE the rain is very heavy
15. The system was inoperative.THEREFORE/HOWEVER/SO the aircraft took of

12. Use these basic conjuctions in the sentences 

1. The Standby system is used (whereas) the main system fails
2. There is a pressure drop (so) pump failure
3. Both the low (so as to) high level are pre-ajusted
4. Main wheel brakes can be applied at touchdown (due to) the nose gear shock absorber is not compressed
5. The blower fan it inoperative (and) the equipment may overhead
6. The amplifier is designed (so as to) to give the flight crew priority over the hostess
7. Check the line for faults (due to) it must be replaced
8. The card is faulty (so) it must be replaced
9. VHF transceiver 1 in mounted on rack 3 (soas to) VHF transceiver 1 is moun-ted on rack 5
10. Voltage reading is not an absolute indication of battery condition (although) it is recommended to have the batteries reconditioned if values are low

13. Decide if this sentences are logical with their conjuctions. YES=logical, NO=illogical

1. Leading edge is de-iced IN ORDER TO prevent ice formation NO (for)
2. The tire is not damage AS a hard landing NO (as not)
3. The seal is old HOWEVER it must be repared NO (so)
4. The outflow valve is operated DUE TO regulate cabin pressure
5. The part is serviciable THEREFORE is must be removed

15. Choose the word in the list below which has the same meaning as the words or expressions

1. Join, attach, link, MATCH
2. Ask for, demand
3. Conform to COMPLY
4. Utilize USE
5. move slowly and regulaty REMOVE
6. annul, supress OVERRIDE
7. Take away, =install CARRY OUT
8. Associate MARK
9. Select a value in advance PRESET
10. Put into action DE-ACTIVATE
11. Perform, do CLOSE
12. Install MOUNT
13. Isolate, make inactive RESET
14.  A belt, attach FANSTE
15. Move laterally or longitudinally RIG
16. Raise aircraft for wheel change or maintenance JACK
17. Shut CANCEL
18. Permit, allow LET
19. Display, indicate EASE
20. Make bigger, increment INCREASE
21. Verify REQUEST
22. Resposition SHIFT
23. Adjust, regulate fight control or engine cables CONNECT
24. Identify READ
25. Give priority order APPLY

16. Choose CAN, MAY, MUST, SHOULD, NEED to complete this sentences

1. The hundpump (CAN) pressure the yellow system
2. The tire (MAY) be damage by a hard landing
3. Only original parts (CAN) be used, but approved equivalent parts (MAY) be installed
4. A safety pin (MUST) be inserted on the ground
5. Ice (MAY) form on the wing
6. Bird strike (MAY) damage the fan blades
7. The checklist (MUST) be performed before engine start
8. Channel one (CAN) replace channeltwo
9. You (NEED) special tooling for the test
10. The crack (MUST) be stopped inmediatly
11. The FAA regulations (SHOULD) be respected
12. The green hydraulic system (CAN) pressurize all the users
13. The network (SHOULD) a 27 VDC supply
14. Skydrol (MAY) burn or cause corrosion
15. The circuit braker (MUST) be safetied before beginning work
16. The engines (CAN) provide 25 tonnes of thrust
17. We (MUST) 8.000 litres of fuel
18. The tank (CAN) contain 25.000 liters
19. It (MAY) snow in Chicago in January
20. If necessary, the aircraft (CAN) fly on one engine
21. The safety pin (MUST) be remove before flight
22. When the APU is inoperative, the crew (NEED) the GPU
23. The unit (SHOULD) be replaced, but it is not mandatory
24. A failure on a no-go item (MUST) be repaired
25. You (MAY) use a mask when you cut compasite materials

17. Fill in the crossword

2. Put together (match) the words with the same meaning in the two columns below 

1. aft                            V                  A. return of information
2. match                       X                 B. used to
3. override                     W               C. to position
4. because of                 T                 D. dangerous
5. pointed                      O                 E. forward part of wing
6. perform                    Q                  F. inboard
7. bleed air                    K                 G. function of a  loader
8. clean                        S                   H. compulsory
9. must                         AB                I. therefore
10. feedback                   A                J. maintains itself
11. under                        R                K. air from engine compressor
12. armed                       AC              L. alternative system
13. set                             C               M. from side to side
14. back.up                    L                N. whilst
15. mandatory                H                O. sharp
16. stretched                   Y                P. if
17. loading                      G               Q. carry out
18. air bleed                    Z               R. below
19. width                        M                S.  with no dirt
20. self held                     J              T. due to
21. so                               I              U. axis
22. inner                        F                V. rear
23. allow                       AD             W. priority manual order
24. centerline                 U               X. associate
25. leading edge            E                Y. elongated
26. however                  AA             Z. system that provided hot air
27. designed to               B            AA.but
28. whereas                    N            AB. shall
29. unsafe                       D              AC. ready for use
30. provided that           P               AD. permit, enable

3. Some of the letters are missing in the words below. Try and complete as many as you can.

1. MAN_ATO_Y                                                         16. STRAI_HT         straight
2. COUNT_RCL_CKW_S counterclockwise             17. R_UGH               rough
3. C_NT_RL_NE  centerline                                       18. HOW_V_R          however
4. T_ST                  test                                                19. CLE_R                 clear
5. A_                      as                                                   20. A_OUND            around
6. S_FT                  soft                                                21. N_R_OW            narrow
7. SHO_LD            should                                           22. B_CAUS_           because
8. WHER_AS        whereas                                         23. MONT_T_R        monitor
9. D_PTH                depth                                           24. P_SH                    push
10. IN O_D_R TO   in order to                                   25. T_IP                      trip
11. T_R_UGH        through                                         26. F_RWA_D          foward
12. R_M_VER        remover                                        27. M_ST                 must
13. RES_T              rest                                                28. REQ_E_T          request
14. H_N_YCOMB honeycomb                                    29. C_OSS_EDD    crossfeed
15. R_BBER          rubber                                             30. ALT_OUGH    although


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