This week We went to the Boeing 737 simulator, we have done electrical emergency practices, The instructor caused us to fail in the IDG (Integrated Drive Generator) this device transform the current ac in dc, it is geared to the engine shaft and when it fail, the pilot should disconect the IDG through a switch in the cockpit, in this way, the IDG doesn't interfere in the engine operation. 

For connect the IDG to the Engine again, the mechanic has to do in the maintenance hangar, because It's impossible to do it in flight. 

My personal week: this weekend the Sunday, I went to the mountain called Puig de l'ofre from Soller, with a good french friend.

And the friday, I went to lunch with other friend, He invited me 😎 the place is Brots, I leave the link in case you want to go to lunch some day: BROTS 

This is the aperitif (shrimp lollipop with agri-spicy sauce, voletus croquettes and bear 🍺) 

Main plate (Llonguet Mallorquín of chicken 🐔)

And finally, my favarite part, THE DESSERT (chocolate with salt flakes and olive oil.... yes!!! it's strange!!)

The price: 30€ not bad for two person 😊

Honestly, for my taste, I prefer simpler places, but it was all very good. 


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