Deicing boots is a type of ice protection system installed on aircraft surfaces to permit a mechanical deicing in flight. Such boots are generally installed on the leading edges of wings and control surfaces (e.g. horizontal and vertical stabilizer) as these areas are most likely to accumulate ice and any contamination could severely affect the aircraft's performance.

First we checked the boots of the 680V turbocommander were shattered, there were leaks everywhere.
We did the test by inserting compressed air through the pipe that supplies air to the boots. 

You can see in the video all the leaks in the boots!! Boots cannot be repaired

Because Sergio and I worked pretty fast, Jose Maria, our practice instructor, offered to test the system on the cessna, this plane is newer, so it didn't have as many leaks and could be repaired. 

My personal week.... Moving again!!! 😓 The real estate situation in Mallorca is still difficult, the prices are still higher than anywhere else in the country, so I had to go to a hostel and negotiate a monthly price that was affordable for me. 

I was very lucky because I got the best room in the hostel, here is a video for you to see. 

Last week has been very cold, and every morning I had to remove the ice from the glass of my car because it does not have anti-ice like the planes. You can see it on the video:

As classes were coming back after the vacations, I was sad, so I went for a walk by the sea to lift my spirits and saw a wonderful sunset that I share with you. 


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