Due to the fact that the previous group was delayed in the maintenance task, we divided the two tasks, the smoke detector was assembled and disassembled by Sergio and myself.
The water heater was assembled and disassembled by Rotger and Ignasi. 

The smoke detector was assembled and disassembled in the cabin simulator, however, we did the test on a smoke detector mounted on a testing bench.

We put power and checked that the green color was on, this indicates the correct operation of the system.

The second test was to make fire (I made the fire, I love it!!!!) we directed the smoke towards the detector and it started to sound a very nasty fire warning alarm, we hit the reset button and it went off. 

We then disassembled the fire extinguisher bottle from the sink. It is about the size of the palm of my hand, so to check that the bottle is correct, we check the weight. There is a label with the factory weight, when weighing the bottle, it should have approximately the same weight, if it weighs less, it will be discharged, if it weighs more, it will have moisture contamination, so if it weighs more or less, it needs to be replaced. In our case, the weight was correct.

I really enjoyed this internship because it is the same as working on a Boeing 737, my favorite aircraft 💓✈ 


Incredible as it may seem, I have moved again 😑!!!! I hope this time it lasts more than a month hahahahahaha.
When I am rich, I will not have this problem!!!! 

The truth is that I have so much experience in moving that I had everything ready in an hour! 

I had a barbecue with 4 people, and a woman brought a savory pancake tower, it was very good!!!! 

The next day I went for a ride along the coast of LLucmajor in a Pontiac Bonneville, it's a huge car!!! we were accompanied by a dog 🐶 that had a bad food because he was farting 👃💥, so I didn't have a trip with a good "atmosphere". 


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